How to assess the financial performance of a sponsorship
Measuring Sponsorship Performance: Challenge and Direction
Global sponsorship expenditure forecast to reach US $53.3 billion in 2013. The scale of this investment has added significant momentum to the demand for improved methodologies for evaluating performance. A range of recent sponsorship studies clearly indicate the demand for new and improved methodologies for measuring sponsorship performance. This article brings together a selected series of papers from leading edge academics which critically review certain current approaches to evaluation, explores important research methodology issues, and outlines recently developed performance evaluation models. Read the full article Meenaghan, T. (2013). Measuring Sponsorship Performance: Challenge and Direction. Psychology & Marketing, 30(5), 385-393.
New Challenges in Sponsorship Evaluation
This paper outlines two new challenges in sponsorship which have implications for performance measurement. Challenge #1: the extent to which major sponsors now view sponsorship more holistically and strategically as a platform to address the entire range of stakeholder groups enabled by sponsorship. Challenge #2: the increased usage of social media in sponsorship and its capacity to engage and connect with sponsorship audiences.
Sponsorship tools
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Read full article Meenaghan, T., McLoughlin, D., & McCormack, A. (2013). New Challenges in Sponsorship Evaluation Actors, New Media, and the Context of Praxis.Psychology & Marketing, 30(5), 444-460.