Canadian Tire on sponsorship tracking and evaluation (podcast)
“How [brands] used to measure and evaluate their sponsorships (think really big Excel files) and how some innovative software tools from Elevent–with some really cool names–have dramatically improved that process.”
Listen now to episode 30 of the Influencers of Sponsorship Marketing
The focus of this episode is sponsorship measurement and evaluation, it covers insights into how Canadian Tire responded to the pandemic, trends in sponsorship/partnership marketing and Canadian Tire’s inspirational Olympic campaigns.
Ashley Curran – Associate Vice President of Community Investment at Canadian Tire Corporation and Francis Dumais, Co-Founder, Elevent.
About the host
Currently the Managing Partner at Gavin Roth & Associates Revenue Consultants Inc. – a revenue agency that focuses on sponsorship business development, strategic partnerships and sales training, Gavin has over 25 years of experience and success in Strategic Partnerships, Sports Marketing, Integrated Media Sales, Sponsorship Sales & Marketing, and Sales Training/Coaching.
Prior to running his own agency, Gavin was Chief Commercial Officer at Golf Canada where he was responsible for Revenue and Marketing for all Golf Canada properties.
Listen now to episode 30
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